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Oh yes, yes I did. I made these. I made them specifically to celebrate my little 3 year old going poopy in the potty, but whatever floats your boat. Hey, you could make them for the same reason. Why not? Maybe if I celebrated myself more with poopy cupcakes then I would have more of an enlightened soul. Chew on that one Ghandi.
Ok, since I've had a few requests now on how to make these, here you go. It is much, much simpler than you think, and it's very tasty. I cheated on a few ingredients making my life easier, but not necessarily following the mantra I typically adhere to: organic "real" ingredients... but, whatever. It tasted really good.
Serves 6-12
- 12 count cupcake baking pan
- 1 pkg of foil cupcake liners
- 1 qt of Ice cream (I used Vanilla, but you can use your favorite flavor)*
(This can be made non-dairy as well using coconut or tofu ice cream)
- 1- 2 containers of Hershey's Shell Topping (or your favorite chocolate melted to room temp)
- 1 pkg of your favorite mini chocolate chips
- 1 pkg of mini marshmallows (I used large ones, lesson learned)
- 1 container of your favorite sprinkles
- Crumbled Graham crackers
- Oreo cookies or Ginger Snap cookies (depending on your flavor vision)
- Candied Ginger pieces
- chopped pretzel pieces (especially yummy mixed with Caramel flavored anything)
- Fresh fruit or fruit preserves (if you are not using the Oreo cookies)
- Snow caps (or even fancier, Non-Pareils for top garnish)
- Whipped cream
How you make it:
Start with 6 cupcake foils, pour enough of the hard shell chocolate sauce into the bottom of the liners (roughly about 1-2 TBLSPN's). Make sure you tilt the liners and rotate enough so that the chocolate sauce whirls around and up all the sides of the liners. It doesn't have to be perfect. You want to make sure there is a substantial bottom to hold the weight of all the layers, and enough on the sides to support it like a cupcake. If you want to add any cookie crumbles, this is the time to sprinkle that on top of the bottom chocolate layer before chilling. Place chocolate glazed liners into a cupcake baking pan for support, and into refrigerator for 5 minutes* (if you are using fresh melted chocolate chips instead of the hard shell mix, then place in freezer until hardened).
Take out the ice cream, and scoop out 1-2 large spoonful(s) of ice cream per liner into a bowl (depends on how high you want to make the cupcake). The ice cream can be hard to manipulate when just out of freezer, so you may want to scoop out a bunch into a bowl then let it soften a little to the point where you can manipulate ingredients into it easily (but not melted!). This is also a point where you can play with mixed in ingredients - merge fruit or cookies or whatever into the ice cream (honey, caramel, etc.) - but quickly as you don't want the ice cream to get to a melted point. Next, place it into cupcake liner and gently press into the shell lining up to 1/4" below liner rim. You can add another layer of chocolate (and cookie crumbles) and hard shell on top if you like making it a parfait type cupcake. I added a layer of chocolate chip sprinkles. Yum. Place both the semi-made cupcakes and bowl of softened ice cream in freezer for 5-10 minutes or until hardened. Take cupcakes back out, and add another scoop of the bowl hardened ice cream on top, to create a risen cupcake batter height. Quickly place a mini marshmallow on top for a garnish (or a Snow Cap, or whipped cream - the possibilities are endless!), then drizzle in zigzag pattern more hard shell topping to affix it to ice cream. Before it hardens dash some sprinkles on it, and throw back into freezer. VOILA!
If you aren't going to eat them right away, you may want to transfer them to a freezer safe container or wrap them to avoid freezer burn and/or picking up other freezer smells into the ice cream tastes.Salmon flavored Vanilla ice cream is not really my cup of tea.
TRUST ME, your kids (or you?) will LOVE THESE. You just take them out, peel the liner off, and place in a shallow bowl. The kids got slap happy over this, and I think, will probably want this every time little kid has a poopy. LOL.
Happy eating!
~ Abbie